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Happy Days At OTD Energy 2021 Stavanger

First of all Congratulations to Tina Bru.

This week the Petro Ladies Club announced that the Petro Lady of the Year 2020 is Tina Bru, the former Minister of Petroleum and Energy.

One of the first major exhibitions for the offshore and energy market since the closure of meeting places is OTD Energy.

The exhibition provided opportunities for IMS to meet, learn, network, do business and discover new products, solutions and technologies that will benefit our ongoing and future development.

Finally exhibitions and conferences are opening up again and we are able to meet face to face.

The IMS team of technology ladies Pierina, Afiya, Monica and Magdalena represents a wide range of competence within the field of Automation, R&D, HR and DCC. Empowering our employees to seek new technologies, be open minded, be curious, present new ideas and to ensure that we meet our Sustainability Goals.

OTD is a great exhibition for our team to see, listen and touch the newest technologies in the market. By seeking technologies already on the market and modifying them to meet our need we are able to meet our sustainability goals, in this case No 17 PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS.

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