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ESG Goals? Yes, Of Course!

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company that is socially conscious, like us at IMS.

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. This is often called sustainability.

In a business context, sustainability is about the company’s business model, i.e. how its products and services contribute to sustainable development.

Our technologies simplify and fully automate any type of fluid management process. By doing so we support our client towards a sustainable cost reduction, safer and less operational emissions.

IMS acknowledge that change is right now and that we impact everything around us!

So, lets take a look at ourselves, Intelligent Mud Solutions.

We all know that change start with ourself, right now. Change is more then analyzing our carbon footprint, we also need to have our eyes open and look at how our business and technologies impact everything around us.

ESG affect the way we mature of business, technologies, implementation, maintenance, consumables, last but not at all least; how we grow development programs.

It is a no-brainer to shout out that IMS commits to be a company that fully support and stive to meet even more sustainability goals.

All off us go to work everyday with a goal to change the world of fluid analysis and fluid management - strive to make it more and more efficient.​ Intelligent Mud Solutions have and will continue to develop technology that contributes to a more sustainable world.

Check out our defined ESG goals at

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